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Father’s Day Presents for Craft Beer Lovers

Father’s Day Presents for Craft Beer Lovers

The key to the perfect Father’s Day present is simplicity – don’t worry about spending time on the frills, just get him something you know he’ll enjoy. When in doubt, craft beer is the answer!Any of our products below are the perfect present...
Cold Town Oktoberfest

Cold Town Oktoberfest

Oktoberfest is upon us! Head along to one of the participating bars below, grab yourself a free Cold Town Oktoberfest band and enjoy limited-edition deals in each participating venue as well as a 20% off coupon for online orders.EDINBURGHCold Town HouseThe Black...
Expired Offer: Free Face Mask With All Delivery Orders

Expired Offer: Free Face Mask With All Delivery Orders

This offer has now expired. Big shout out to everyone who took us up on it and are now safe as f***.Stay safe! We all need to do our part in following the rules so that we can stay healthy and life can begin to return to normal. For a limited time only, we will be...

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T: 0131 221 9978
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